Just play and have fun !
The Regieleki V - Zenith Supreme Collection Box Set EB12.5 contains 4 Pokémon TCG boosters, 1 Regieleki-V glossy promo card, 1 Regieleki-V glossy large card and much more! Box and cards in French.
Legendary heroes Zacian and Zamazenta shine with their new VSTAR Powers, alongside elite Pokémon and Trainers, all gathered to celebrate the Pokémon-V era.
See dazzling special artwork in the Galar Gallery, and harness the power of rare and powerful Pokémon, including Firecracker, as both Pokémon-VSTAR and Pokémon Radiant.
Many other Pokémon will share their stories in battle as the Sword and Shield series reaches its climax in the Pokémon TCG's Supreme Zenith expansion.
Two previously unknown legendary Pokémon have awakened in snowy lands! Discover the power of the Electric-type Pokémon Regieleki-V. Not only does its Light Wall attack deal damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon, but during your opponent's next turn, Regieleki-V takes 100 less damage from attacks. The Dragon-type Pokémon Regidrago, on the other hand, has the fearsome Dragon Laser attack. It deals 130 damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon and 30 damage to one of its Bench Pokémon.
Each Collection will contain a shiny promo card of one of these two Pokémon. It will be accompanied by a large card for your collection and a shiny card of its counterpart. You'll also find boosters from the Pokémon TCG Supreme Zenith special expansion.
Whichever collection you choose, your TCG Pokémon deck will be boosted with legendary power!
This set contains :